Tag: Planning

Product Management

Prioritization is More Art Than Science

A very common challenge faced by Product Managers of all experience levels is understanding and implementing some form of repeatable process around prioritization.  Some people take a very light approach, making decisions based on their own experience, data, and beliefs about the direction of the product.  Others take a much more rigorous approach, applying scorecards […]

Product Management

Proper Care and Feeding of Your Product Backlog

One of the least glamorous parts of Agile development for most Product Managers is the process of backlog grooming.  It can be a challenge to get teams to engage when they’re in the middle of a sprint, it can be difficult to convince stakeholders to refer to the backlog instead of the Product Manager for […]

Product Management

Running Too Lean Can be More Harmful than Helpful

Most companies out there put a huge push on efficiency and running “lean” — doing the most possible with the least amount of overhead.  And in most cases, that’s a very noble goal — after all, overhead in the form of people and positions is generally the highest cost that companies face. Reducing the number […]

Product Management

User Stories Aren’t Enough

It’s commonly accepted nowadays that we use user stories or some variation on them to communicate our “product requirements” to development teams (job stories, jobs to be done, scenarios, etc).  And while this is certainly an improvement over some of the bad, old Big Up-Front Requirements (BUFR) methods that were used many moons ago, they’re […]

Product Management

Assumptions, Risks, and Constraints – The Keys to Success

One of the most important parts of being a Product Manager is making sure that your stakeholders and developers understand not only what you’re trying to do, but the surrounding circumstances in which you’re trying to do it.  Often, this is a matter of discussing and managing scope; at other times, it’s making sure that people […]

Product Management

“Product” is More Than Just Development

It’s far too common in the world of Product Management for us to wind up being narrowly focused on the actual product development cycle – define, build, measure, repeat.  But there’s far more to building, launching, and maintaining a successful product than just what goes on between Product Management and Development.  The best and most […]

Product Management

Looking Back to Look Forward — Understanding Retrospectives

There’s a tool in the Scrum toolbelt that is so utterly critical to success yet so fundamentally misunderstood by far too many development teams, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners.  I’m talking, of course, about the Sprint Retrospective.  I’ve seen it time and again, teams that are able to hit all the right notes in their […]

Product Management

How Much Technical Debt is Too Much?

Let’s face it, technical debt is something that every Product Manager has to deal with on a constant basis — whether it’s making snap decisions that unblock your team so that they can keep working, short-cutting an ideal architectural solution because you have time-to-market pressures, or deciding to put off working on bugs found after […]

Product Management

The Product Lifecycle

This post comes courtesy of a direct request from one of my supporters over at Patreon, who asked me if I could give them a 10,000 foot-level overview of the Product Lifecycle from ideation to delivery.  While nothing here should be terribly earth-shattering or world-changing, I think it’s important for us as Product Managers to […]

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