Tag: Definitions

Product Management

That Which is Urgent is Not Always Important

We’ve all been there — that sudden call from one of your Sales team with a customer “on the hook” but they only need this one more thing to close the deal.  Or maybe it’s an escalated issue from your biggest customer that lands in your mailbox with gigantic ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!  Or worse […]

Product Management

Are You “Default Ship” or “Default Delay”?

A couple years ago I ran across a blog post by Paul Jackson where he mentioned in passing the idea of a tension between “default ship” cultures in relation to corporations versus startups.  For some reason, those two ends of a spectrum have stuck with me ever since, and after struggling with some culture change […]

Product Management

How Much Technical Debt is Too Much?

Let’s face it, technical debt is something that every Product Manager has to deal with on a constant basis — whether it’s making snap decisions that unblock your team so that they can keep working, short-cutting an ideal architectural solution because you have time-to-market pressures, or deciding to put off working on bugs found after […]

Product Management

The Product Lifecycle

This post comes courtesy of a direct request from one of my supporters over at Patreon, who asked me if I could give them a 10,000 foot-level overview of the Product Lifecycle from ideation to delivery.  While nothing here should be terribly earth-shattering or world-changing, I think it’s important for us as Product Managers to […]

Product Management

10 Questions: Teresa Torres

I’m excited to kick off the new year with a new installment of my ongoing “10 Questions” series, surveying leaders in the Product Management world for their thoughts on the fundamentals of Product Management as well as questions related to their specific areas of expertise.  For this January’s article, I reached out to Teresa Torres […]

Product Management

The Clever PM’s Hierarchy of PM Needs

There’s a well-known theory in psychology known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, named after its creator Abraham Maslow.  The concept behind this theory is that as human beings there are certain needs and interests that we seek to fulfill in a predictable priority — from physiological needs for food, water, and sleep up to social […]

Product Management

Story Points are a Signalling Tool

I was called into a meeting with a team here in the office a couple weeks ago because they told me they had a “question” about the estimations that they were doing.  As we started talking, it became immediately apparent what the problem was, they were getting into arguments about whether their estimates were “too […]

Product Management

The Importance of Scrum Ceremonies

I recently had a really great conversation with a fellow co-worker about how and why companies struggle with the adoption of agile methodologies like Scrum.  It just so happened that he had come from a very large company where someone had undertaken something unheard of — they attempted to objectively measure the effect that Scrum […]

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