Tag: Trust

Product Management

What’s Your Core Competency?

I’ve always been a big fan of the concept of a “core competency” or “distinctive competency” — the one thing that you, your product, or your company does better than anyone else, and that is difficult to easily replicate.  Unfortunately, I find that far too few organizations really understand, at a deep level, what this […]

Product Management

Data v. Opinion: The Ultimate Battle

One of the challenges that we commonly run into as Product Managers is the battle between opinions and data.  And though it would be nice to pretend that data always wins, and that there’s always truth in Jim Barksdale’s famous quote, “If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine,” we know from practical experience that this is simply not the case.  Let’s talk about some common situations where data bends to opinion…

Product Management

Pack ’em Up! Understanding Your Portable Skills

I’m often asked by in both formal and informal discussions whether I think that Product Managers are stuck in whatever industry they start in, and if not how to break into a new one.  And through all the years of having these discussions I’ve determined that the vast majority of the skills that make someone […]

Product Management

Are You “Default Ship” or “Default Delay”?

A couple years ago I ran across a blog post by Paul Jackson where he mentioned in passing the idea of a tension between “default ship” cultures in relation to corporations versus startups.  For some reason, those two ends of a spectrum have stuck with me ever since, and after struggling with some culture change […]

Product Management

Silence is a Tool — Use it Effectively!

While Product Managers have a great many tools in their belt to use when working internally with stakeholders or externally with customers, there’s one tool that seems to elude so many of us.  That tool is silence.  When you’re talking with someone and trying to get them to say what’s really on their mind, what’s […]

Product Management

Stakeholders: Overcoming Passive Resistance

A recurring challenge that many Product Managers face is coping with stakeholders who attempt to block our efforts, either covertly or overtly.  Sometimes these situations arise due to simple miscommunication, but other times they’re power plays, the results of internal politics, or even caused by grudges held from previous slights — real or imagined.  To […]

Product Management

How Accepting Uncertainty Drives Successful Teams

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed that accepting uncertainty is a a recurring theme when it comes to Agile and agility.  While it’s never stated outright as a “value” in either the Agile Manifesto or the Twelve Principles of Agile, the concept itself underlies many of the points made in […]

Product Management

Why is Change So Damn Hard!?

One of the primary things that Product Managers are constantly working on is change — changing the way people view our customers, changing the way our customers view our product, changing the culture of our company to be more agile, changing peoples’ minds about what’s important and what’s  not…the list goes on and on.  And, […]

Product Management

How to Actually Get in Front of Customers

One of the most fundamental requirements to be a great Product Manager is getting outside the four walls of your office and engaging with your market, your prospects, and your customers directly.  Unfortunately, in all too many companies, this is more difficult than it should be, if not utterly impossible.  This is usually blamed on […]

Product Management

What to Do When It’s All Falling Apart

As Product Managers, we’re often right on the front lines when things start to go sideways — when the demo fails in the middle of a big customer presentation, when the Ops team can’t deploy the “fully-tested” and “ready for production” release, or when your customer acquisition and retention numbers start to dip.  But rarely […]

Product Management

PM 101 – Working With Sales

Of all of the teams that Product Managers must deal with on a regular basis, I really can’t think of any that have a worse reputation amongst our kin than Sales teams.  Common tropes that I hear when talking about Sales teams with other Product Managers include things like “they don’t understand the product” or “they […]

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