Tag: Psychology

Product Management

What’s Your Core Competency?

I’ve always been a big fan of the concept of a “core competency” or “distinctive competency” — the one thing that you, your product, or your company does better than anyone else, and that is difficult to easily replicate.  Unfortunately, I find that far too few organizations really understand, at a deep level, what this […]

Product Management

That Which is Urgent is Not Always Important

We’ve all been there — that sudden call from one of your Sales team with a customer “on the hook” but they only need this one more thing to close the deal.  Or maybe it’s an escalated issue from your biggest customer that lands in your mailbox with gigantic ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!  Or worse […]

Product Management

When Push Comes to Shove – Picking Your Battles

In many organizations, conflict is part and parcel of the culture — some conflict can be constructive, some destructive, but most of it can just be downright annoying.  And, because we often sit right in the middle of all of the random agendas, battles of ego, and emotional storms that can rage throughout the company, […]

Product Management

The Clever PM’s Hierarchy of PM Needs

There’s a well-known theory in psychology known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, named after its creator Abraham Maslow.  The concept behind this theory is that as human beings there are certain needs and interests that we seek to fulfill in a predictable priority — from physiological needs for food, water, and sleep up to social […]

Product Management

Constructive Conflict

There are a great many company cultures in the world that go out of their way to avoid conflict of any kind.  And, while the intent is good — nobody wants to work in a combative workplace — the common practice of lumping all conflict together into a single bucket and trying to toss it […]

Product Management

Silence is a Tool — Use it Effectively!

While Product Managers have a great many tools in their belt to use when working internally with stakeholders or externally with customers, there’s one tool that seems to elude so many of us.  That tool is silence.  When you’re talking with someone and trying to get them to say what’s really on their mind, what’s […]

Product Management

Stakeholders: Overcoming Passive Resistance

A recurring challenge that many Product Managers face is coping with stakeholders who attempt to block our efforts, either covertly or overtly.  Sometimes these situations arise due to simple miscommunication, but other times they’re power plays, the results of internal politics, or even caused by grudges held from previous slights — real or imagined.  To […]

Product Management

How to “Level Up” Your Product Management Skillset

A common theme in online discussions and forums around Product Management lies in how to level up our skills and be a better Product Manager.  While there are a lot of different options available, just as there are as many different aspects of Product Management to focus on, there are some very specific areas that […]

Product Management

How Accepting Uncertainty Drives Successful Teams

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed that accepting uncertainty is a a recurring theme when it comes to Agile and agility.  While it’s never stated outright as a “value” in either the Agile Manifesto or the Twelve Principles of Agile, the concept itself underlies many of the points made in […]

Product Management

Manage to Data, Not Guesswork

There are a great many different corporate cultures to be found in the world, but one consistency among far too many of them is decision-making processes that rely more on gut-level instinct and whomever yells the loudest rather than on hard data.  For some companies, this has served the CEO well — a small, nimble […]

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