Tag: Problem Solving

Product Management

Are You Just Building “Faster Horses”?

Most Product Managers have, at one time or another, heard the apocyphal quote often attributed to Henry Ford, “If I asked my customers what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.”  And when we hear the line, we laugh because there’s no way that we would do such a thing — the “faster horse” is […]

Product Management

User Stories Aren’t Enough

It’s commonly accepted nowadays that we use user stories or some variation on them to communicate our “product requirements” to development teams (job stories, jobs to be done, scenarios, etc).  And while this is certainly an improvement over some of the bad, old Big Up-Front Requirements (BUFR) methods that were used many moons ago, they’re […]

Product Management

That Which is Urgent is Not Always Important

We’ve all been there — that sudden call from one of your Sales team with a customer “on the hook” but they only need this one more thing to close the deal.  Or maybe it’s an escalated issue from your biggest customer that lands in your mailbox with gigantic ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!  Or worse […]

Product Management

Having a Vision Isn’t Always About Distance

When most people talk about “vision” they’re evoking a concept of long-term planning, setting big and brash goals that you might or might not achieve, but which set a “north star” by which you can plot the course of your product and company.  And while that’s an extremely valuable use of the term, I’ve recently […]

Product Management

How Much Technical Debt is Too Much?

Let’s face it, technical debt is something that every Product Manager has to deal with on a constant basis — whether it’s making snap decisions that unblock your team so that they can keep working, short-cutting an ideal architectural solution because you have time-to-market pressures, or deciding to put off working on bugs found after […]

Product Management

Personal Productivity is Just as Important as Professional Productivity

As Product Managers, we’re often deeply and intimately involved in the processes that our companies use in their everyday business.  Issue tracking systems, customer feedback systems, email and IM systems — there’s a neverending list of tools that we use on a daily basis to further our own (and others’) professional productivity.  Having such a […]

Product Management

10 Questions: Tricia Cervenan

One of the things that I love about the Product Management community here in Seattle is how close-knit we are, so when I reached out to Tricia Cervenan, a fellow Product Manager and General Assembly instructor, for her thoughts on the industry, the role, and what it means to her, I was not disappointed.  I […]

Product Management

Stakeholders: Overcoming Passive Resistance

A recurring challenge that many Product Managers face is coping with stakeholders who attempt to block our efforts, either covertly or overtly.  Sometimes these situations arise due to simple miscommunication, but other times they’re power plays, the results of internal politics, or even caused by grudges held from previous slights — real or imagined.  To […]

Product Management

10 Questions: Rich Mironov

For the second installment of my “10 Questions With…” I reached out to one of my mentors in the PM/Consulting space, Rich Mironov.  I met Rich many years ago at ProductCamp Seattle, where he was giving a presentation about the struggles and challenges of the role that really spoke deeply to me and where I […]

Product Management

An Updated Product Management Reading List

Back in 2015,  after about a year into my work on this blog, I put together a reading list that encompassed the fundamental books that I thought every Product Manager should read — and I still stand by the list: A Product Management Reading List.  But, that was almost two years ago and a lot of […]

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