Tag: MVP

Product Management

What is the Value of Agility?

One of the many challenges that Product Managers face in trying to move organizations toward a more agile approach to product development is that some stakeholders simply don’t see the value in the shift.  They believe that, since their way has worked for them for so long that there’s no need to change — after […]

Product Management

The Product Lifecycle

This post comes courtesy of a direct request from one of my supporters over at Patreon, who asked me if I could give them a 10,000 foot-level overview of the Product Lifecycle from ideation to delivery.  While nothing here should be terribly earth-shattering or world-changing, I think it’s important for us as Product Managers to […]

Product Management

When is an MVP *not* an MVP?

For a term that’s so well-established in our profession and so widely used, it always surprises me when people abuse and misuse the concept of Minimum Viable Product (or “MVP”).  It seems like such a fundamentally simple and clear concept, but often in practice it gets all wrapped up around the axles of internal struggles, until […]

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