Tag: Culture

Product Management

The Importance of Knowing What You Don’t Know

As Product Managers, we’re called on a lot to weigh in on questions, considerations, and issues related to our market, our customers, and our products.  And we’re often pressured to provide opinions either with or without sufficient data to feel entirely comfortable about drawing conclusions that we know people will rely on and act on — […]

Product Management

Don’t be Afraid to Admit You’re Wrong!

One of Amazon’s prized leadership principles is “Be right, a lot.”  And we should certainly strive for that as Product Managers, no matter what company we work for, or what product we’re working on.  But there’s a corollary to that statement that’s equally important — that you’re not going to be right all the time.  […]

Product Management

Looking Back to Look Forward — Understanding Retrospectives

There’s a tool in the Scrum toolbelt that is so utterly critical to success yet so fundamentally misunderstood by far too many development teams, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners.  I’m talking, of course, about the Sprint Retrospective.  I’ve seen it time and again, teams that are able to hit all the right notes in their […]

Product Management

What is the Value of Agility?

One of the many challenges that Product Managers face in trying to move organizations toward a more agile approach to product development is that some stakeholders simply don’t see the value in the shift.  They believe that, since their way has worked for them for so long that there’s no need to change — after […]

Product Management

Are You “Default Ship” or “Default Delay”?

A couple years ago I ran across a blog post by Paul Jackson where he mentioned in passing the idea of a tension between “default ship” cultures in relation to corporations versus startups.  For some reason, those two ends of a spectrum have stuck with me ever since, and after struggling with some culture change […]

Product Management

When Push Comes to Shove – Picking Your Battles

In many organizations, conflict is part and parcel of the culture — some conflict can be constructive, some destructive, but most of it can just be downright annoying.  And, because we often sit right in the middle of all of the random agendas, battles of ego, and emotional storms that can rage throughout the company, […]

Product Management

Share Your Knowledge!

As an active member of the Seattle community of Product Managers, I’ve been fortunate enough to find many opportunities to engage with fellow Product Managers as well as those looking to make a break into the role.  Between my work with General Assembly as a part-time instructor, my volunteer efforts as a board member of […]

Product Management

The Clever PM’s Hierarchy of PM Needs

There’s a well-known theory in psychology known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, named after its creator Abraham Maslow.  The concept behind this theory is that as human beings there are certain needs and interests that we seek to fulfill in a predictable priority — from physiological needs for food, water, and sleep up to social […]

Product Management

Story Points are a Signalling Tool

I was called into a meeting with a team here in the office a couple weeks ago because they told me they had a “question” about the estimations that they were doing.  As we started talking, it became immediately apparent what the problem was, they were getting into arguments about whether their estimates were “too […]

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